A Tradition of Excellence

It's extraordinary to think that when Alexander McKenzie founded McKenzie Bakers over half a century ago in 1952, sugar and confectionery were still rationed in Scotland following the second world war. So for the good citizens of Turriff in the heart of rural Aberdeenshire, the prospect of sticky buns, cakes and biscuits must have been truly mouthwatering!

Find out more about the early days of McKenzie's

How times have changed... and yet how much has stayed the same. If Alexander McKenzie stepped outside the door of McKenzie Bakers today, he'd have no trouble at all recognising Turriff's Main Street, as these pictures demonstrate.


At the same time, he'd have no trouble recognising the continuing commitment to the traditions of baking excellence exhibited by his son, Gerry, as he carries on the family business which bears his father's name.

In 1981, Gerry set up McKenzie Biscuits, recognising the demand not just across Scotland, but throughout the world, for oatcakes and biscuits made in the traditional style, following recipes handed down sometimes over centuries.

The history of the oatcake

Today, that speciality biscuit business continues to flourish, as does the parent bakery, and to those traditional recipes have been added new twists, creating a range which we guarantee will not only taste great, but will also leave you with a happy glow!


Several of the range have won gold medals at the annual Guild of Fine Food Great Taste awards – described as the'Oscars' of the food industry'!

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Phone: + 44 (0) 1888 562459
Fax: + 44 (0) 1888 562459
Email: gerry@mckenzie-biscuits.com

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